Abdallah Dib


Personal website for Abdallah Dib.

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About me

I am a research scientist working at Ubisoft La Forge (Montreal). Before that I worked as a senior research scientist at InterDigital R&I France since 2019. Previously, I held the same position at Technicolor research (2017-2019) and I worked as a research engineer at Inria (from 2008-2012).

I received my Phd in Computer Science from Inria research center in 2016.

My research interests are at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning and graphics. I apply deep learning and numerical optimization for scene understanding from images and videos.

I'm actively searching for PhD student(s) to join our team and contribute to pushing the boundaries of realistic avatar creation. If you're motivated, passionate, and interested in working on this topic, please send me an email with your CV.



SEREP: Semantic Facial Expression Representation for Robust In-the-Wild Capture and Retargeting
Arthur Josi, Luiz Gustavo Hafemann, Abdallah Dib, Emeline Got, Rafael MO Cruz, Marc-Andre Carbonneau
ArXiv 2025
pre-print | Project page |

MoSAR: Monocular Semi-Supervised Model for Avatar Reconstruction using Differentiable Shading
Abdallah Dib, Luiz Gustavo Hafemann, Emeline Got, Trevor Anderson, Amin Fadaeinejad, Rafael M. O. Cruz, Marc-Andre Carbonneau
IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2024)
pre-print | Project page | Dataset

S2F2: Self-Supervised High Fidelity Face Reconstruction From Monocular Image
Abdallah Dib, Cedric Thebault, Junghyun Ahn, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Louis Chevallier
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition FG 2023
pre-print | video |

Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing
Abdallah Dib, Gaurav Bharaj, Junghyun Ahn, Cédric Thébault, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Marco Romeo, Louis Chevallier
Computer Graphics Forum, Eurographics' 2021
paper | video | code

Towards High Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction with Rich Reflectance using Self-supervised Learning and Ray Tracing
Abdallah Dib, Cedric Thebault, Junghyun Ahn, Philippe-Henri Gosselin, Christian Theobalt, Louis Chevallier
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)
paper | video | code

PhotoApp: Photorealistic Appearance Editing of Head Portraits
Mallikarjun B R, Ayush Tewari, Abdallah Dib, Tim Weyrich, Bernd Bickel, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hanspeter Pfister, Wojciech Matusik, Louis Chevallier, Mohamed Elgharib, Christian Theobalt
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
paper | video

FaceLab: Scalable Facial Performance Capture for Visual Effects
Andrus, Curtis and Ahn, Junghyun and Alessi, Michele and Dib, Abdallah and Gosselin, Philippe and Thébault, Cédric and Chevallier, Louis and Romeo, Marco
The Digital Production Symposium (DigiPro 2020)

Pose Estimation For A Partially Observable Human Body From RGB-D Cameras
Abdallah Dib, François Charpillet
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015)
paper | video

Robust Dense Visual Odometry For RGB-D Cameras In A Dynamic Environment
Abdallah Dib, François Charpillet
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2015)
paper | video

Using Hmms for Discriminating Mobile From Static Objects in a 3D Occupancy Grid
Dubois, Amandine and Dib, Abdallah and Charpillet, François
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2011)
paper | video

Personal Devs

Here you find some of my personal projects I did (and continue doing) in spare time. they are related to C++ and Graphics programming (OpenGL/GLSL), and mobile dev (iOS).

OpenGLES 2.0 tutorials (with source code)
In 2013, I wrote educational tutorials on Graphics programming for iOS using OpenGLES shading language. Tutorials were written in C++ with a clean and intuitive API for beginners. It covers: 3D mesh loader, camera movement, normal mappping, gpu skinning, environment mapping, shadow mapping. Code source can be found on my old website from here

Physically based rendering engine
I Continue developing and maintaining this graphics engine. It is used mainly for visualizing 3D models. it is written in C++/OpenGL and i ported it to many platforms: windows/mac/linux/iOS/Android(via JNI)/Web(via Emiscripten). It implements physically based rendering with various BRDF models (Cook-Torrance, Phong), Deferred shading, Shadow and normal mapping. It has built-in 2D GUI support via 'imgui'.

iOS Game programming
In 2012, I started developing mobile games and apps. In 2017, I removed these apps from App store (Because i didn't have enough time to maintain them). Below are these apps/games. The code source for these apps can be shared upon request.

Jumper buggy
Developed in 2013. A 3D action and car simulation game for iOS. It uses the old OpenDynamics Engine for physics simulation. Written in C++/OpenGL. Video from here

Mosaic Puzzle
Developed in 2014. The goal of this educational game is to help children develop their eye<->hand coordination skills. Written in C++/OpenGL.

Camera Art effects
Developed in 2012. It is photography application for iOS ( iPhone, iPod and iPad) that lets you apply filter and effects to your camera and in real time. It uses optimized GLSL shaders to run in realtime on an iPhone 3GS. Supported filters: Cartoon; Old Movie, Pencil, Colored Pencil, Bulge, Dent, Rain, ... Written in C++/OpenGL.